First of all, HEY!!
I've already told you guyz that I'd be BUSY for a short period.. and guess what, I'M BACK!
I'm done with all the written final exams!! I still can't believe it...
It's like.. Arghhh, it's so hard to describe. But it's a supah dupah amazingly great feeling. =]
Now I can finally relax for a bit before doin the last exam, which will be oral exam.
I hope that's gonna be ok.. And I hope I'd have oral exam in Religion! I'm not the type of person with much luck, but I still hope I'd be lucky for once in mah life and get Religion as mah oral exam!! =P
Inga is coming 2nd of june! YAAAAAAAAAY!!!
And I can't wait to see her!! <3 But I'm sure we're gonna have more fun in summer, since we're both takin' a gap year! I'm really lookin forward to that. ^^ Only God knows how much I love her! :**
You know what, I'm afraid we've already had our "summer-.ish" period here. In the last 2 weeks, the weathe has been sooooooo effin warm! But now it's startin to get cold FML!
Like WHYYYY?! The weather is always moody in Norway.. o.O
Pffft... Vey funny. -_-
anywayz, that was a short update! Hope you enjoyed! :P
fredag 1. juni 2012
fredag 13. april 2012
Be fuckin' awesome!!
Hello there!
Wazzup yall?
I noticed I have forgotten this blog! xD WHYYY?!
Not exactly forgotten, but more like.. I haven't had time to sit down & write somethin'.
And yeah, I have been THAAAT busy. Ya've no idea! >.<
Stress is eatin' the shit outta meh. Stress = Skool. Pfffftt... what else.
Wintah break is finito, eastah break is finito.. No more breaks untill SUMMAH!!!!!!
Which means, I'm soon finito at skool as well. That's a great thing! I'm so happii!
But the sucky part might be thinkin' about the exams. I can't imagine how that will be.
I kinda have a feelin I'll die.. <.<
Don't ask how.
Lots of things have happened in mah life lateleh. Not like huge changes or anythin, but more like.. Shit experiences. Lmao. x) And honestly honestly, I have been so lazy.. <.<
That's kinda creepy. Cuz, I don't remembah tha last time I was at tha gym..... Or last time I actually DID mah homework... Auch! T_T
I have missed keepin' mah blog updated..
So, lemme start with sayin' that the snow is almost gone. Which is great news!!
Norway is still boring. Old news huh..
Just thinkin' about the exams that I might end up with in may/june, makes me wanna jump off from Mount Everest. AND IDK WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAH!!!! >.>
Seriously, it's so stressing. Cuz the days are passin by so freakin' fast.. Buhu.. =(
I need a change! I need to break the routine, but I guess I can't do that untill I'm finito at skool.
I really wish everybody a great time.
To those who are done at skool, you're lucky bastards! Lmao >.<
It might take a while till I post something the next time, but I WILL make this blog more fun and more interesting. So keep stalking me!!! =P
& Cya!
Wazzup yall?
I noticed I have forgotten this blog! xD WHYYY?!
Not exactly forgotten, but more like.. I haven't had time to sit down & write somethin'.
And yeah, I have been THAAAT busy. Ya've no idea! >.<
Stress is eatin' the shit outta meh. Stress = Skool. Pfffftt... what else.
Wintah break is finito, eastah break is finito.. No more breaks untill SUMMAH!!!!!!
Which means, I'm soon finito at skool as well. That's a great thing! I'm so happii!
But the sucky part might be thinkin' about the exams. I can't imagine how that will be.
I kinda have a feelin I'll die.. <.<
Don't ask how.
Lots of things have happened in mah life lateleh. Not like huge changes or anythin, but more like.. Shit experiences. Lmao. x) And honestly honestly, I have been so lazy.. <.<
That's kinda creepy. Cuz, I don't remembah tha last time I was at tha gym..... Or last time I actually DID mah homework... Auch! T_T
I have missed keepin' mah blog updated..
So, lemme start with sayin' that the snow is almost gone. Which is great news!!
Norway is still boring. Old news huh..
Just thinkin' about the exams that I might end up with in may/june, makes me wanna jump off from Mount Everest. AND IDK WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAH!!!! >.>
Seriously, it's so stressing. Cuz the days are passin by so freakin' fast.. Buhu.. =(
I need a change! I need to break the routine, but I guess I can't do that untill I'm finito at skool.
I really wish everybody a great time.
To those who are done at skool, you're lucky bastards! Lmao >.<
It might take a while till I post something the next time, but I WILL make this blog more fun and more interesting. So keep stalking me!!! =P
& Cya!
fredag 3. februar 2012
Argh, I can't believe it's finally weekend!!
I have been waitin for this since last sunday.. <.< *sigh*
Honestly, this has been a hell of a stressy week. Exams and assignments and shit. o.O
Now I will just be resting and having fun.. Even thou I will be working tomorrow. But from 12-18 ain't that long, is it? =] And not to forget, SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPP!!!!
Seriously, I've been having lack of sleep. It's killing me. I've been feelin' dizzy and sick. ._. So-eh...
I wish you a GREAT weekend!
Pst! There is this great song that has captured mah attention, you gotta check it out! :)
And ejoy dis little cool pic below.
Argh, I can't believe it's finally weekend!!
I have been waitin for this since last sunday.. <.< *sigh*
Honestly, this has been a hell of a stressy week. Exams and assignments and shit. o.O
Now I will just be resting and having fun.. Even thou I will be working tomorrow. But from 12-18 ain't that long, is it? =] And not to forget, SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPP!!!!
Seriously, I've been having lack of sleep. It's killing me. I've been feelin' dizzy and sick. ._. So-eh...
I wish you a GREAT weekend!
Pst! There is this great song that has captured mah attention, you gotta check it out! :)
And ejoy dis little cool pic below.
onsdag 11. januar 2012
A new youtube-video!
So I've been working on this video about Iraq for a while now.. It's not a VIIDEEEEEO you know, like a pro video, but it's a, uhm... "Digital story". I hope you can check it out, cuz it would mean so much to me! :)
I hope one day I'll be able to make a short video at least, you know, filming and stuff.
I was kinda mad when I made this video honestly, because the topic or the things I mentioned on the video, they're like pissing me OFF! Arghh.. And I think you'd have figured that out anywayz.
And now I want LOTS of people to see it and get my message. Why? Because that would make me feel better as well.. Showing off this video makes me feel like I've done something for Iraq, even though this is like a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny thing.. But hey! I'll do more in the future.. Not videos I mean, but a change!
Because that's one of mah biggest goals in life. To make people happy and see the smile on their faces..
Wouldn't that just be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G?!
Yes, it would..
Anyway, here is the link, and don't forget to comment!
So I've been working on this video about Iraq for a while now.. It's not a VIIDEEEEEO you know, like a pro video, but it's a, uhm... "Digital story". I hope you can check it out, cuz it would mean so much to me! :)
I hope one day I'll be able to make a short video at least, you know, filming and stuff.
I was kinda mad when I made this video honestly, because the topic or the things I mentioned on the video, they're like pissing me OFF! Arghh.. And I think you'd have figured that out anywayz.
And now I want LOTS of people to see it and get my message. Why? Because that would make me feel better as well.. Showing off this video makes me feel like I've done something for Iraq, even though this is like a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny thing.. But hey! I'll do more in the future.. Not videos I mean, but a change!
Because that's one of mah biggest goals in life. To make people happy and see the smile on their faces..
Wouldn't that just be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G?!
Yes, it would..
Anyway, here is the link, and don't forget to comment!
tirsdag 10. januar 2012
Test test..
Ok, so this is just a small test to see how this blogg app works on iPhone. :)
It looks pretty cool! Weeeeee!
It's like.. Now I can post anythin' at any time at any place! Woah! This is gonna be interestin'.. Don't worry, I won't post bullshit...... :)
2 posts at the same day!
That's how much I miss mah bloggy..
Have a nice day yo!
Peace out! :)
It looks pretty cool! Weeeeee!
It's like.. Now I can post anythin' at any time at any place! Woah! This is gonna be interestin'.. Don't worry, I won't post bullshit...... :)
2 posts at the same day!
That's how much I miss mah bloggy..
Have a nice day yo!
Peace out! :)
Happy "belated" New Year. =]
I know it's 10th of January, and I didn't post something on NYE, but it's still not late.Is it?
Happy "belated" New Year everybody. The reason why it has been ages since the last time I posted is because I have been really busy. I will say the same thing on here like I did on
Because I'm mostly on deviantart.
I guess it's time to say farewell to 2011.
It's amazing how this year has passed so fast.
I have to admit that it has been a great year for me, though.
Lots of great things happened to me, and I'm so happy about that. But also some things started good, and had a sad ending.
But oh well, life goes on, and at least, I learnt from my mistakes.
But I still love 2011, because it also made me know more about myself, and what I want from this life. It changed me, to a better person for sure. My view on things have changed, and my beliefs have become stronger, and I have more hope in life.
I also learned that you have to be positive, and think in a positive way, to actually live positivly.
I mean, you have to believe in it. I still remember New Year's eve, as if it was yesterday. I had so "high" expectations of 2011. I believed that 2011 would be a great year for me. And it was.
Life is beautiful. Just open your eyes, and you'll see that.
Of course you don't always get what you wish for, but keep hoping and keep wishing. Because it WILL come true one day. Maybe today, or tomorrow, or even in a minute. Plus, do something about it. Don't just sit there and 'WISH'. Of course you have to do something about it as well, so it can become real. But the most important thing, believe in it. I sound like a pshycho person now.. lol But it's true though. We all have our ups and downs, sometimes we become too weak, but still don't lose hope. Life is not perfect, neither are WE.
So hey!
2012 will be a GREEEEAT YEAR!!
Some of my wishes/new year's resolutions that came true:

I hope it will be a great year for us all, with lots of great experiences and probably new opportunities.
I wish the best health and luck to all of those who have struggeled in the Arab world, cuz of war, and demonstrations and revolutions. I wish the best to my country, Iraq. I hope it will be a great year for them, with peace and happiness.
You've been strong, and you've kept your head high. I'm proud of you, and I'm proud to be Iraqi.
[ Por Favor! Don't mind mah bad english spellingz... <.<
HAPPPYYYY TWENTY 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know it's 10th of January, and I didn't post something on NYE, but it's still not late.Is it?
Happy "belated" New Year everybody. The reason why it has been ages since the last time I posted is because I have been really busy. I will say the same thing on here like I did on
Because I'm mostly on deviantart.
I guess it's time to say farewell to 2011.
It's amazing how this year has passed so fast.
I have to admit that it has been a great year for me, though.
Lots of great things happened to me, and I'm so happy about that. But also some things started good, and had a sad ending.
But oh well, life goes on, and at least, I learnt from my mistakes.
But I still love 2011, because it also made me know more about myself, and what I want from this life. It changed me, to a better person for sure. My view on things have changed, and my beliefs have become stronger, and I have more hope in life.
I also learned that you have to be positive, and think in a positive way, to actually live positivly.
I mean, you have to believe in it. I still remember New Year's eve, as if it was yesterday. I had so "high" expectations of 2011. I believed that 2011 would be a great year for me. And it was.
Of course you don't always get what you wish for, but keep hoping and keep wishing. Because it WILL come true one day. Maybe today, or tomorrow, or even in a minute. Plus, do something about it. Don't just sit there and 'WISH'. Of course you have to do something about it as well, so it can become real. But the most important thing, believe in it. I sound like a pshycho person now.. lol But it's true though. We all have our ups and downs, sometimes we become too weak, but still don't lose hope. Life is not perfect, neither are WE.
2012 will be a GREEEEAT YEAR!!
Some of my wishes/new year's resolutions that came true:
- Travelling to Italy
- Travelling to Turkey
- Stop biting my nails... >.< I know, yuk right?! :S lol
- Get better marks at school...... We can still discuss that.. <.<
- Fasting in Ramadan. (Even though I didn't fast the whole month, but 7-8 days! Bahh, I'm PROUD!)
- Learn better Arabic!
- Smile and be positive! (I was, more than usual.....)
I hope it will be a great year for us all, with lots of great experiences and probably new opportunities.
I wish the best health and luck to all of those who have struggeled in the Arab world, cuz of war, and demonstrations and revolutions. I wish the best to my country, Iraq. I hope it will be a great year for them, with peace and happiness.
You've been strong, and you've kept your head high. I'm proud of you, and I'm proud to be Iraqi.
[ Por Favor! Don't mind mah bad english spellingz... <.<
And I can't wait to start using my blog more again... Because I do miss it! waaaaaah :'( ]
HAPPPYYYY TWENTY 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lørdag 5. november 2011
I believe...
“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” - Marilyn Monroe
Isn't that just so true?
Things happen for a reason, no matter what results they might bring, they still happen, and when they happen you learn new things about yourself and about life and about the people around you. You might meet a new person in your life that gives it a special taste, makes it more fun!
Makes it more exciting! Gives you hope, makes you think in a positive way, makes everything so different, makes you wake up in the morning with a big and warm smile on your face!
And some make you regret things in your life. Maybe regret meeting them at all?
It Makes you feel insecure and weary. It makes your eyes become red, not because of lack of sleep, or lack of energy,but because of the tears you cry. But why think about the bad memories? Why not remember the good times you had before everything became like hell?
That would be much better. We only live once, why should we waste our times on being sad?
They happened yes, but now we have to move on anyway. We should have learnt from our mistakes. And never ask for more than what you can get, or you'll loose everything in the end.
Appreciate the people around you. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnddd......
now you have to look at the perfect picture below! AND DO WHAT IT SAYS!!! <.<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :-) <<<<<<<<<<<<<< (A)
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