I know it's 10th of January, and I didn't post something on NYE, but it's still not late.Is it?
Happy "belated" New Year everybody. The reason why it has been ages since the last time I posted is because I have been really busy. I will say the same thing on here like I did on deviantart.com.
Because I'm mostly on deviantart.
I guess it's time to say farewell to 2011.
It's amazing how this year has passed so fast.
I have to admit that it has been a great year for me, though.
Lots of great things happened to me, and I'm so happy about that. But also some things started good, and had a sad ending.
But oh well, life goes on, and at least, I learnt from my mistakes.
But I still love 2011, because it also made me know more about myself, and what I want from this life. It changed me, to a better person for sure. My view on things have changed, and my beliefs have become stronger, and I have more hope in life.
I also learned that you have to be positive, and think in a positive way, to actually live positivly.
I mean, you have to believe in it. I still remember New Year's eve, as if it was yesterday. I had so "high" expectations of 2011. I believed that 2011 would be a great year for me. And it was.
Of course you don't always get what you wish for, but keep hoping and keep wishing. Because it WILL come true one day. Maybe today, or tomorrow, or even in a minute. Plus, do something about it. Don't just sit there and 'WISH'. Of course you have to do something about it as well, so it can become real. But the most important thing, believe in it. I sound like a pshycho person now.. lol But it's true though. We all have our ups and downs, sometimes we become too weak, but still don't lose hope. Life is not perfect, neither are WE.
2012 will be a GREEEEAT YEAR!!
Some of my wishes/new year's resolutions that came true:
- Travelling to Italy
- Travelling to Turkey
- Stop biting my nails... >.< I know, yuk right?! :S lol
- Get better marks at school...... We can still discuss that.. <.<
- Fasting in Ramadan. (Even though I didn't fast the whole month, but 7-8 days! Bahh, I'm PROUD!)
- Learn better Arabic!
- Smile and be positive! (I was, more than usual.....)
I hope it will be a great year for us all, with lots of great experiences and probably new opportunities.
I wish the best health and luck to all of those who have struggeled in the Arab world, cuz of war, and demonstrations and revolutions. I wish the best to my country, Iraq. I hope it will be a great year for them, with peace and happiness.
You've been strong, and you've kept your head high. I'm proud of you, and I'm proud to be Iraqi.
[ Por Favor! Don't mind mah bad english spellingz... <.<
And I can't wait to start using my blog more again... Because I do miss it! waaaaaah :'( ]
HAPPPYYYY TWENTY 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey there pretty!
SvarSlettI really enjoy reading your fab blog, my fav girl ;) and I miss our trip to Italy, it was epic, exciting and I can't forget when we were sitting up on the roof in the sun just talking and living life. Gash, you are such a great friend and I'm really looking forward to seeing you again <3 iloveyou
Hugs&Kisses from the one and only I
Your comment just made my day!
SlettYou ARE an amazing friend, and I really enjoy every second I spend with you. IheartU from the bottom of mah <3.
You're indeed mah One & Only. =]