Okay..If you're that kind of person who love school.. Don't waste your time on reading this.. I'm talkin' about this, cuz I'm not a school fan =]
So I've been tryin' to figure out what to do when I'm bored at school sometimes..Especially now that I'm in High School Senior.. Time is passin' by too slow.. I can't wait for the min I'll be graduating from High school!! Ahhh!! God.... xD
Anyway... We all know how boring school can be sometimes.. and how stressful a normal school day can be..
Just sittin' there in the classroom watching the teacher talkin' bullshit over and over again kinda ruins mah mood and makes me wanna leave the classroom..
I'm not sayin' that it's sooooo bad with all the teachers. Actually not. Some of the teachers we have are really cool and fun. They make the lesson kinda interesting and make the time pass really fast.. And some make you wanna jump off the school building cuz of boredom! Yes.. This is what kills me sometimes when I'm at school... Like.. On monday we had geography and the teacher was talkin' about minerals and rocks (wtf iight) and he was like insecure all the time.. He forgot what he was gonna say and he was mumbling all the time! And when he was gonna write something on the blackboard, daaaaaauym.. A 3 year old babie can write nicer than him! No wonder why we get hella tired in addition! Then on wednesday he came in the classroom and started talkin' about the same thing he talked about on monday.. Then we told him that we've already been through this.. And he forgot that.. I mean come on! I understand why he forgot.. he's right.. It's been a long time since the last time he talked about it.. ONLY 2 DAYS AGO! Shoot me! ̿̿̿ ̿’ ̿’\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿
Anyway.. we've all got a serious problem I guess.. So I don't wanna blame him.. o.O ehm ehm
So.. Things to do in School when bored! :D
- Tell your teacher that your imaginary friend Bob ate your homework.
- Walk backwards and when you bump into someone yell, “Watch where you’re going! Geez!”
- Say serious things in a sarcastic tone and sarcastic things in a serious tone.
- Hug your friends randomly and say, “I’m going to miss you sooooo much!” and start bawling loudly.
- Act like you’re scared of everything.
- Say the word ‘like’ in between like every like word like you like say.
- Act like the opposite of your normal self.
- Speak in a foreign language all day except in that class.
- Randomly shout, “Are we there yet?”
- Do this ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ to all your friends.
- Answer all questions with two words… ‘no comment’
- Listen to Enrique Iglesias :P
- Or just sleep... o.O
- Repeat that one...
- And repeat more...
- Get prepared for the trouble you'll get in after sleepin' in class! :D
HAHAHA, absolutely looove your writing Mimo! You're such an optimist! ;D
SvarSlettIt was really great to see you this week, but we didn't get that much time though... Hopefully more next time I'm coming home. Anyway, take care sweety. You're the BEST! Love you <3
Your friend through distance
Haha, thanks sugah! :*
SvarSlettIt was great to see you too, even though we didn't get that much of time.. =] But yeah, I hope we can spend more time together next time you're coming home. :D
Take care you too, sweetheart!
Love you. <3
Your admirer.. :*