Hiya!! =]
Long time no fun-bloggin' huh..? Not that there are so many people who check out mah blog thou... But I'm still keepin' hope. Rofl. Okay so since I mostly use www.deviantart.com a lot and I post mah stuff on there, I thought I'd start postin' them on here as well.. You still remember mah story with photoshop? Well.. If you do, then good..cuz I've developed mahself! And I can prove that by showin' yah this design I made in photoshop. This was actually supposed to be a trial-design, but then I got happy with the result and thought I'd keep it like this.. It says fashion-babe on it cuz mah account name on deviantart is fashion-babe.. Wish I could change the name..lol.. But I made it like ages ago so I wasn't really sure about what I was doin'..Hmmz.. I might be a different blogger since I don't really post pictures of me.. But that's not mah point with this blog.. I mean..It says fashionistaM for sure.. It's about fashion..Fashion trends and fashion designs and fashion articles probably..Btw, I'm really sick of people postin' their "outfits-of-the-day"..Come on!! Like...Ya want some inspiration..what about you lookin' it up by yahself? Not that complicated anymore.. =P
But if you've been to some "fashion" places and took pics of models and somethin, that's pretty cool. I'd love to see them! =D And first of all cuz this is a media-class blog and 2nd cuz what's the point of postin' mah pics here anywayz? I'm not tellin' you about mah daily life.. I'd rather keep that for mahself. =] And it's more like a "mah-hobby/interests-fun-thingy-talk-blog". Yea you can call it that =D Imma try to post more stuff soon.. Hope you like this design and I hope you like mah blog so far! =D 

Peace out peepz!
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